An Account of First Time on African Soil. The beginning of the fulfillment of generations of my Ancestors... June 7, 2012
Confessions of a Revolutionary African Woman
I am writing from Accra, Ghana. Better known as home. I am here visiting family. I came with my husband and children. This is the beginning of the rainy season and it has rained at least every other day since we arrived and the last week--it has rained almost everyday. I must make a distinction because I don't just spout off about Pan-Africanism, I live it. I am enjoying a ocean breeze that is tainted with fumes and smells from street vendors cooking and open gutters. It is interesting to say the least. And I love it. My good friends Maia and Obadele tell me that the pollution level has improved in Ghana over the last 15 years or so. That is hopeful! We have got to be African and use our good old-fashioned African sense when it comes to our environment. Anyway, I just want to share some notes and observations. I have reserved writing and most photography in favor or sensing everything organically before I began to talk or break off parts to share thru the camera lens. I definitely am having a wholistic experience and do not want to present any story out the side of my neck. The internet cafe on Dansomman Rd somewhere. African Liberation Day here in Ghana was fantastic! The youth were well prepared, enthusiastic and inspiring! Just what our dream of what youth bring to the table. Well, I can't go anywhere right now the rain is too I will continue to write. I never wanted NAIM to be a diary or a single woman operation.