Show me where "foreign nationals" are so harassed and degraded in any Afrikan nation because they are from China or India or anywhere for that matter! Yes, Afrikan hospitality is unsurpassed and that is great...
However, the Afrikan life has value to ourselves and to the world--none of us seem to notice that right now. This is why the "interjection" of the Afrikan personality onto the world stage is crucial. We have got to increase our value in our minds and in the way we project ourselves so that the world knows what it is dealing with--The Original People and The Original High Culture! Take a clue from our ancestors, who sent us a message "Know Thyself"...
Hamisheni mafisi, mafisadi au waanimo na si akina Yero
*Kejaa enteipa inno*? Jibuni *kasidai* *endama, ai, maata enyemali. Keje
ninye eninno*. Kwanza, nimshukuru mheshimiwa Rais kwa kutuliza joto la
6 days ago